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Game-design in practice, group post #7

Choose a task you have been working on and explain it

  • What have been difficult/easy and how did you approach it?

  • Did you make any specific decisions while working on this task?


I have worked on one of the main mechanic of the game, which was the recoil of the players. When a player fires upon their weapon, a knock back should occur and the player moves backwards for a certain amount, depending on what weapon they are wielding. Here is a low graphical example:

It has been difficult to get the recoil right, have the right force and how long you should be pushed back. Also the right speed, it should be fast in the start and then accelerate down.

Nothing was really easy, but I approached it by looking up different techniques on how you can make an object move. The object should also move the opposite way of where you aim our sight. In the picture you see a black spot with a green dot in it, that is the aim and the object fires and moves the opposite direction. In the end I found the right function on how make the recoil as we wanted it to be. A specific decision I made working with this task was to let someone else help me to make the better(code wise), and that was a specific decision for me that was special.


One of the tasks I worked on was the player respawn. The player respawn will respawn a killed player after a few seconds after the death has occurred. This task was not to hard but took some time to figure out what was the best way to execute this taks the with the experience I have. The player will been spawn on a area on the map where there is least people on. How I approached this task was first to divide the map into four different areas, I then check where every player was on the map. I gave every area a point for each player on that area. After that I iterate through the tilenode on the map to check which tile is walk able. Then I choose the area with the least point, if there is one or more area that have the same point as the area that has the least point, I randomize between those areas with the least points. A least i spawn the player on the area that has been chose.


One of the tasks I've been working on is the pistol shooting script. The script basically checks which of the 4 player's that are shooting and also checks how many clips and how much ammunition that is left in the gun for each player.

The task in it self was not that hard, the hardest part was trying to figure out how i was going to check 4 different player controllers and choose the correct one for the correct player, and use the correct players input with unity's input manager. How i approached this task was basically me putting a identity on each player, so that when i checked for player ones input the only player that was shooting was player one.


A task I've been working on is the weapon sprites for the game. The guns I've been working on are a pistol, SMG, shotgun, bazooka and railgun. The hardest point in making these weapons in to get the weapons to look interesting with few pixels and also make them look like their real life counterpart to avoid confusion on how they operate. And also getting the weapons to fit in with the Steampunk aesthetic was pretty hard because much of the Steampunk aesthetic is about small intricate details but I think it looks alright in the end.

A decision I made was to make an animation for the bazooka to make it look a bit cooler because it's the strongest weapon in the game.


A task I worked on was the camera. The hardest aspect of this was calculating correct gamesspace coordinates based on screen resolution. What we wanted to was restrict the camera movement based on screen resolution and size ( fullscreen or not) and we wanted to pan the camera just a small amount. This movement was to be initiated when the majority of players was on one side meaning if most players was on the left side of the screen the camera was to pan a bit to the left.

A decision I made was to make the camera movement slow first and accelerate towards a max speed and to have a deadzone meaning while players are in the deadzone the camera wont move. This makes for a more pleasant viewing experience for the players.

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