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Game-design in practice, group post #9

We have now sat down everyday except the weekends and have accomplished more than expected. We now have a level one which will be demonstrated more as a tutorial, then a level two where you encounter obstacles such as enemies and puzzles. The player will have to search and discover power ups and keys to get further along the game. Our power ups will be:

  1. Bullet split

  2. Shield

  3. Time slow

We also have a dubble jump you can get, but is discussed if we are going to have it as a power up or just a upgrade that stays forever. Here is a picture of our first level(tutorial) :

And here is a picture of the second level :

Down to the left you can see 4 hearts, this indicates the players health. Just above the hearts their is a weapon and a bullet with a number beside it, this indicates what weapon you use and how many charges of bullets you have before it has to be reloaded.

We feel like this path we are on now on is much better than we were on before. The game is easier to develop and we can see the finish line, the goal now is to make the textures and level design more good looking/smoother/better.

We have not yet started with marketing our game anywhere. This is only because we want to have a complete tutorial and second level to be complete and play tested. The problem we are struggling with now and have always been struggling with is that we lack artists in our group, which makes the programming part way ahead and the art content way behind. It is going faster and better now than it did before, because one programmer of ours are helping a little bit, art wise.

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